Security BSides Dublin 2023


Speakers Talk Video Slides
Ken Westin Keynote: Every Contact Leaves a Trace
Righard Zwienenberg ID.IOT or… The ID(ea) of IoT
Tony Gee Getting In: Initial Access in 2023
Klaus Agnoletti I’m ok, you’re ok, we’re ok: Living with AD(H)D in infosec
Yonatan Baum & Daniel Wolfman LAMBDA Malware: The Hidden Threat in Excel Spreadsheets
Daniel Kapellmann Zafra Schrödinger’s Hack: Are Hacktivist Operations Placing Operational Technology at Risk?
Cristian Cornea Bypassing Anti-Virus using BadUSB
Alex Ilgayev Github Actions Security Landscape
Miłosz Gaczkowski Sniffing keyboards (Turns out some of them stink)
Chris Madden Understanding your vulnerability data to optimize your DevOps pipeline flow.
Jake Sloane The Dark World of SMS Phishing Kits: An Insider's Perspective -
Pablo Ramos Complexities of Vulnerability Management: Strategies for Prioritizing and Remediating Security Holes
Daniel Oates-Lee & Simon Gurney Subdomain Hijacking - Why DevOps is making us more vulnerable
Stuart Davis LightBasin: A Roaming Threat to Telecommunications Companies
Rory McCune Containers for Pentesters
Ivar Prudnikovas Signatures and receipts in the supply chain security
Olgierd Pieczul Down the rabbit hole of 20-year long vulnerability
Xavier Mertens Malware Analysis of the Poor
Gadi Evron Locknote: Generative AI and ChatGPT Enterprise Risks


BabyVM: Beginners Guide to VM Reversing Márton Bak
Purple Teaming with Detection-as-Code for Modern SIEM Ken Westin


Sponsor Tier
Eset Diamond
AWS Platinum
State Street Gold
Trimarc Silver
elastic Silver
tenable Silver
Bank of America Silver
tines After Party
Grafana Labs CTF